Saturday, May 17, 2014

"THE BLOSSOM" - "Afternoon with family" - work in process

From Vanessa

So, here is a result of the 1st day .
It's almost done and only need some work on trees at the left side.

Someone passed there, when I was painting, and she said me : "Don't add anything, it's perfect!". But I felt I have to . So, after the second day of "completing the mission" it looked alike this  (below) >

Actually, I did some minor changes after it, again , thinking that it's done.
Asked my friend Jose (Jose Salvaggio - great plein air painter) for a feedback. He said "Good work, I like it, only would bright the sky". I planned to do it in the studio, but suddenly changed my plans and went back to the location (what can be better?).
So,  there are 3rd day changes .

Picture is nice indeed , but I'm a bit disappointed - it should not take 3 days of work and, I think, that the simplicity and light movement of the first step (visible in the earlier post) has gone. Need to let to oil to dry and then, after colors will get "settled", to see it again.


  1. I like seeing each step along the way. I liked it each time...but the final one is truly lovely. It still looks fresh and "light" to me.

  2. Helen DitchelAugust 12, 2014

    Outstanding ! Bravo !!!
